Additional casts and crews wanted for a musical theatre production (English) in Stockholm!
This is a Broadway style musical about ancient goddesses and gods, power and distress, humanity, resurrection and action. The production would be about 20+ cast members.
Roles we are looking for:
Principle & supporting roles (female/male): we are looking for more professional or trained singers, dancers, actors & martial artists
Ensemble & Chorus (female/male): join the production as background singers and dancers.
(Approximate age ranges are 18 – 45 but we are open to other age ranges if you could fit into the show.)
Show dates: are late 2025 or early 2026. Rehearsals start in January 2025. As the production progresses, the requirements will gradually increase, so there is an advantage to applying early.
Contact: Please use this link to submit your application:
Terms of project: Participators in the project will be asked to sign a production agreement with the initiator, clarifying terms in regards to the production.
Casting: We will reach out to arrange a casting meeting if you are considered a good fit.
Terms of service at Teaterverket: All participation in productions at Teaterverket takes place on a volonteer basic and no economic compensation is given. All participants need to be members of Teaterverket Ef. You may, however, express interest in a project, do an audition or visit a rehearsal to find out if the project is for you! Read more about membership, in Swedish, here.
Förutsättningar för medverkan i en produktion: All medverkan i Teaterverkets produktioner sker ideellt och om du blir aktuell för medverkan behöver du bli medlem i föreningen om du inte redan är det. Dock behöver du inte vara medlem för att gå på audition eller anmäla intresse, det blir du först när det är bestämt att du ska medverka i en produktion. Läs mer om medlemskap här.