Skådespelare och team sökes till projektet ”Encounter/Ett möte” under ledning av Marius Van Niekerk. Processen kommer att vara på både engelska och svenska, men den färdiga föreställningen spelas på svenska, så svenskspråkiga skådespelare sökes.
ENCOUNTER / ETT MÖTE is a multimedia project in development, inspired by John Cheever’s Reunion, my personal experience of growing up with an absent father, and my military service. This project has been a long-held vision, as I’ve wanted to create a deeply personal film and theatre adaptation.
The film will feature a widescreen monochrome aesthetic, while the play will embrace a minimalistic, Samuel Beckett/Peter Brook-inspired approach. The work process of these two phases will be integrated to complement and enhance one another. The story follows an Afro-Swedish boy, Charlie, and his estranged white Swedish father as they struggle to reconnect on the eve of Charlie’s voluntary military service.
During their attempt to find a place where the boisterous father feels comfortable, a waiter—portrayed as Charlie’s alter ego—acts as a vigorous confessor for the father and simultaneously serves as the psychologist guiding the narrative. This waiter challenges the father to confront his past actions of abandoning his son.
This project resonates with me because it explores themes I’m passionate about: identity, fatherhood, and the lack of positive role models for young men today. Through their brief encounter, I hope to delve into deeper issues like race, abandonment, and the pressures of modern youth, while also reflecting on broader topics such as war, migration, and climate change.
Historien följer Charlie, en 18-årig afrosvensk kille som förbereder sig för att åka till kriget i Ukraina. Uppvuxen med sin ensamstående ghananska mamma har han alltid trott att hans vita svenska far—en hyllad teaterregissör—övergav dem innan han föddes. Den lögnen, bevarad i åratal, blir till slut deras fall.
Fylld av tomhet och en längtan efter mening skriver Charlie ett brev till sin far, avslöjar sin existens och ber om ett möte.
Ovetandes hamnar brevet också i händerna på Rob, en vanärad skådespelare vars karriär krossades av Faderns hänsynslösa ambition. När Rob ser en möjlighet till hämnd, iscensätter han en återförening—en där gränsen mellan verklighet och teater suddas ut.
The story follows Charlie, an 18-year-old Afro-Swedish boy preparing to leave for war in Ukraine. Raised by his single Ghanaian mother, he grows up believing his white Swedish father—a celebrated theatre director—abandoned them before he was born. This lie, kept for years, ultimately fractures their relationship. Feeling lost and searching for meaning, Charlie writes to his father, revealing his existence and requesting a meeting.
Unbeknownst to him, the letter also falls into the hands of Rob, a disgraced former actor whose career was destroyed by Father’s ruthless ambition. Seeing an opportunity for revenge, Rob manipulates events to stage a reunion—one that will blur the line between truth and performance.
Sound & Music Designer
Stage Manager/producer
Male/Father 50-55ish
Afro-Swedish Boy/Charlie 18-20ish
Male/Rob 60ish
Young Woman/Girlfriend 19-20ish
African Woman/Mother 45-47ish
Interested and want to know more or apply?
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