
The True Story Of Sweden’s First Elephant 
Misremembered, Mistold & Misrepresented 
Ben Kersley 
Humorist, Anecdotalist & Accidental Menagerist

In 1806 an elephant caused a riot in the small Swedish market town of Skänninge. 

Almost exactly two hundred and seven years later, in roughly the same spot (and with smaller feet), Ben Kersley made a Skänninge man harrumph under his breath. 

Coincidence? Impossible! And it doesn’t end there! 

Join Ben Kersley as he explores the parallel showbiz lives of Sweden’s first elephant and his own trail of Swedish laughter, destruction and animal husbandry.

Expect Meerkats, Angry Swedish Mobs, Taxidermy, British Warships, and a heart-warming, coming-of-age tale of life in a menagerie. 

No animals will be hurt too badly during the performance.  

Ben Kersley is a comedian who has performed all over Sweden as well as Denmark, Finland, Estonia, the UK and New York. He wrote the sitcom Pitcher På Paus (SVT) and produced and directed the award winning stand up comedy road movie Big In Sweden (TV4), both with Al Pitcher. Ben wrote and performed a solo show Gangster Comedian (STOFF, Lund Comedy Festival) and has written a screenplay, Northern Delightz with writer Paddy Kelly. In 2021, Ben was awarded Lars Winnerbäcks Nyponpriset. In Autumn 2023 Ben performed in ‘Van Gogh’s Boots’ at Teaterverket. Find out more about Ben on his website.

Elephant Riot is a Work In Progress show that Ben is currently working on and is performed in English.

Length: approx. 1 hour

Uppsättningen producerades av Teaterverket i samarbete med ABF Stockholm.

Teaterverkets lokaler är tyvärr inte tillgänglighetsanpassade.


Spelades på Teaterverket Svea – Lilla Scen
Adress Sveavägen 114

OBS! Ingång två dörrar till höger om stora entrén. (Ingången till Reprummet/Lilla Scen)


Av & Med:
Ben Kersley